Sunday 21 April 2013


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Pulau pangkor is a popular island resort which offers fine beaches with a wide range of sun and sea activites such as windsurfing, fishing, and snorkeling.the real attraction here however are the enchanting beaches-marvellous for swimming amidst tranquil surroundings.Nearby is the smaller privately owned world renowned island resort of Pangkor Laut.

According to the references,the smaller island with total surface area of about 2200 hektar. In 1999, there were 6260 permanent residents, 2992 residents who come to work on the island and 568.248 tourists and permanent residents in 2015 is expected to increase to 8,330 people while the population who come for work of 4664 people while tourists are reaching the figure 1.7 million people.
The population this island almost consisting mainly fisher folk.They live in scattered fishing settlements along the coast esspecially on the eastern side,facing the Lumut,Pangkor's economy was depends on fishing and dried fish products are still a major industry for this island.The famous satay fish original here.

An important site from which to control trade in the Straits of Malacca, the Dutch built a fort in the 17th century to monopolise the tin trade in Perak and to protect the Perak Chieftan against Acehnese and Siamese incursions. But the Dutch were soon driven out by the local ruler. In 1874 a contender to the Perak throne sought British backing and signed the Pangkor Treaty, as a result of which James WW Birch was installed in Perak and thus began the British Colonial era on the peninsula.


By Plane - Berjaya Air has five flights a week in both directions between Kuala Lumpur (Subang Airport) and the relatively new airport on Pangkor.

By Ferry -  From the Lumut pier, ferries depart regularly to different parts of Pangkor Island. First departure from Lumut is at 07:00, last at 20:30. First departure from Pangkor is at 06:30, last at 20:30. Departures are at 30-45 minutes intervals, depending on the time of day, and the crossing usually takes no more than 45 minutes.

Return ferry fare for adult passenger is RM10 and for children passenger is RM6.

Apart from Lumut Ferry Terminal, travelers can also take a ferry at Pier Marina Island in the Telok Muroh which took about 15 minutes away from Lumut
Return ferry fare for adult passenger is RM10 and for children passenger is RM6.
 The are two major ferry stops for the residents in Pangkor island, namely the Jetty in Sungai Pinang Kecil and the Pangkor Jetty in Pangkor Town. Tourists should stop by the second pier, Pangkor Jetty as this is the main township in Pangkor Island and have a closer distance towards various beaches on the west cost of the island. There third pier, the Pan Pacific Jetty at Teluk Dalam, is exclusively for guests of that hotel.


 Here there are quaint coffee shops and souvenir shops and others selling sea products such as dried squids and cuttlefish, anchovies, dried pre-packed fish and dried shrimps

The Dutch Fort is located at Kampung Teluk Gedung, south of Pangkor Island. (15 minutes from Pangkor Island jetty)

  • The fort was built in 1680 and is about 324 years old. The stone fort was built by the Dutch, the first European colonials in Perak.

  • The fort was built to defend the Dutch from attacks by pirates and the locals. It was also to control traffic for trade goods in Perak especially the all important mineral, tin.

The Dutch maintained their control over Pangkor Island with the the cooperation of 60 soldiers, from 1680 to 1690s. A local Malay warrior by the name of Panglima Kulup launched several attacks on the fort until finally he succeeded and chased the Dutch out of the Island.
 Batu Bersurat is located at Kampung Teluk Gedung, Pangkor Island (15 minutes from the Pangkor Island Jetty). It is situated nearby a fishermen’s village and fronting the Dutch Fort (10 metres from the fort) 


  • Batu Bersurat is a big chunk of rock with sketches and writings on it. The local residents believe that the rock is ‘alive’ for it can grow from its original small size.
  • The sketches on the rock shows a drawing of a tiger attacking something (believed to be a boy), two circles in the form of leaves and Dutch and English words that says “If Carlo 1743”. The year is said to be the year Pangkor Island was recolonised by the Dutch, after they were chased out by the locals, led by Panglima Kulup, circa 1690s.

The sketches tell the story of a boy, the son of a Dutch officer, who went missing believed to be mauled by a tiger. According to the village people, however, that is just a cover up by the Dutch to spare them the embarrassment. The truth is the boy was kidnapped by pirates.


Of all the Pangkor beaches, Teluk Nipah or Nipah Bay is the most popular with foreign travelers, although it is still predominantly Malaysians who frequent this area. This beach is located a few kilometers north Pantai Pasir Bogak. Unlike other beaches, it has corals, sea cucumber and bird lovers can find the hornbill (Burung Enggang) on this beach.Teluk Nipah has 2 beaches: Nipah Beach and Coral Bay. Nipah Bay has a view of two small uninhabited islands called Pulau Giam and Pulau Mentagor.


There are plenty of eateries and grilled fish, clothes and souvenir shop in the coastal.Teluk Nipah promise your with a passions of watersport.In addition to having a clean beach for bathing, recreational activities and water sports are interesting to explore the two islands, namely Pulau Giam and Pulau Mentangor and set against the Teluk Nipah, 5 minutes by kayak or boat.
There are beaches at Pulau Giam and it's slightly bigger neighbour  Pulau Metagor. Usually we have to rent a boat to go there. You can hire a boat at the Nipah beach for visit to all nearby islands.In Pulau Giam, blue-green waters and crystal clear water allows sports fans to do a variety of activities including snorkelling 'dive' coral, jet skiing, banana boat rides, kayaking, enjoying the beaches, a yacht and discover the sea cucumber.




Pangkor Laut Resort is situated on Malaysia's North West Coast. It is an exotic and private-owned   island. The resort won several awards for best Honeymoon destination, best top 5 star hotels and others.
This luxury resort in Pangkor is surrounded by lush and unspoiled rain forest. The claim is that the forest is millions of years old. True or not, it is a fantastic place.Then,this island has some fine beaches bays. You will find 3 fine bays on the island: Royal Bay, Emerald Bay and Coral Bay.
The Resort has 148 Malaysian style villas. They blend perfectly with the natural surroundings.Bird view on Pangkor Laut A reasonable new addition to the all formidable luxuries is the Spa Village.Facilities on Pangkor Laut include swimming pools, tennis courts, squash courts and massage treatments.  Pangkor Laut carries the concept : "One Island, One Resort" and Pangkor Laut Resort one of those luxury resorts in Pangkor and in Malaysia.

Fu Lin Kong is a Chinese temple in Pangkor Island. Many Chinese tourists like to visit and pray in this temple to get the blesses from god. However, this doesn't mean that Chinese temple is only the favourite place for Chinese only. Other races and foreign tourist also love this place because Fu Lin Kong is one of the popular temple in Pangkor Island and it exquisite environment to take photo. 

Fu Lin Kong has various Buddhist statues inside the temple and many alcoves and ponds around. Many tourists will make their wish in this temple because they believe the wish will come true.

Sunday 6 January 2013


assalamualaikum kawan-kawan .
okay . .sekarang nana nak cerita macam mana boleh timbulnya entri RENEW BLOGGIE .sebelum ni nana pernah buat blog . tapi psword n email google blog lama tu da tercampak tang mana tah . .nana da lupa.hihi .skang dah renew blog ni ..hehe. .rasanya da 3x buat blog ..haha.  .nmpk sangat pelupa . nak kata nyanyuk tak kot. .haha. .nana bru masuk alam 20-an pd 26 dis thun lpas .. hehe. .muda la sgt kan :). bila tgok blog kengkawan len, memg rasa berkobar2 nak renew blog ni .kikiki.  .BLOG RUBY paling nana suka tengok.hehe . .she is my friend kt smkab  dulu ..okay . .tengs yeah my sis , jiha ..tlong kakakmu buat blog.hehe. .btw , nothing special i want tell here .xlarat pulak taip panjang berjela2 ni .rasa mcm exam STPM dulu . .haha .. okay . .support me okay. .masih tercari2 ilmu untuk jadi blog ni . :) lpas ni nak post blog len plak . .wassalam :)